Molecular RadioTherapy
Multi Modality Imaging
Patient Quality Assurance
ThinkQA Suite
Pretreatment verification
In vivo dosimetry
Adaptive Radiotherapy
3D Secondary Dose Check
PLANET® Onco Dose Receives EU MDR CE Mark certification
March 4, 2025

Dr. Olivier Pisaturo
“Having a ThinkQA Secondary Dose Check solution that is precise, fast and easy to use in the Elekta Unity online adaptive workflow has been extremely beneficial for department productivity and for our patients… It is an ideal solution and has satisfied all key requirements, ensuring a streamlined workflow, safe patient treatments and compliance with AAPM recommendations – contributing significantly to the confidence of Hôpital Riviera-Chablais physicists.”

Kum Bae Kim
“… Performing pre-radiotherapy verification using the EPID in the treatment room without cumbersome setup procedures is the best solution to save time and overcome staffing limitations … By using EPIbeam for pre-treatment, patient-specific QA, we are able to save one hour from the minimum of 30 minutes required just for physical phantom setup…”

Michaël Del Re
“… simply launches the EPIgray data acquisition, which occurs during treatment delivery without adding any time to the 15-minute treatment slot. EPIgray is more accurate than our old diode in vivo dosimetry technique and can be used for VMAT plans. It checks the entire workflow, including the patient, which is very important for us … and gives us more confidence in our plans.”

Dr. Raj Varadhan
“EPID dosimetry is an efficient tool for routine patient IMRT/VMAT QA that can be performed in a far shorter timeframe than 3D detector-based measurements,” EPIbeam pre-treatment QA solution is extremely easy to use and demonstrated its sensitivity to detect known MLC errors in the order of 2 mm.”

Philippe Boissard
Since we began using EPIbeam pretreatment quality assurance (QA) in March 2019, the Léon Bérard Center in Lyon, France, has achieved a 65% reduction in machine time dedicated to QA, allowing more patients to receive valuable SBRT treatments every week. One of the main advantages of EPIbeam is the ability to delegate pretreatment QA to the radiation therapists. It was quick and easy to implement, requiring only two hours to collect data for beam modeling.

Jean-Noël BADEL
“PLANET® Dose has been a pioneer in different types of treatment, including 90Y-SIRT liver and 177Lu therapies, the tool is largely used in our team and everyone can benefit: interventional radiologists, pharmacists, nuclear physicians and physicists. … CE marked, DOSIsoft was one of the first to offer personalized 3D dosimetry … For us, it’s now an indispensable clinical tool … and a real advance in ensuring optimal quality in the treatment of our cancer patients.”

Want to evaluate the real value of DOSIsoft solutions? Book a product demonstration with one of our product experts.